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The 2-step solution to spring clean your makeup bag

28 Sep 2016 -

  Did you know that spring cleaning your makeup bag could actually make you look years younger? Hear us out! For example, does applying your makeup remind you of icing a cake? "Depending on the makeup and how old it is, the product [can start] looking thick and pasty on the skin as the water evaporates out of it,” explains Dr. Doris Day, RealSelf dermatologist advisor. Once it starts to evaporate, your makeup can make you look way older than you are. In addition to beauty snafus, expired cosmetics can have potentially harmful health effects. Here's how to look and feel better by spring cleaning your makeup bag in two easy steps.

Step 1: Cleanse

  Guess what? You're just a cosmetics cleanse away from younger-looking skin.Every time you pump your mascara brush into the tube, youre injecting germs straight into your formula. As it thickens, your lashes appear more and more spidery until its nearly impossible to coat lashes uniformly. A good rule of thumb is to trash your mascara every 2-3 months. To keep it simple, toss it when you throw out your toothbrush.

  Lipsticks last for about two years. If its a seasonal shade and youre looking to store it for later, wipe the top layer with a tissue and stash it in a cool, dry drawer. Glosses have an expiration date of one year. If its extra sticky, like the consistency of a caramel latte, its time to let it go.

  Liquid foundation is at its peak for six months and will keep for up to 12. If it separates, changes color or smells funny, toss it. Always, always keep it out of UV light.

  Three cheers! Bronzers, blushes, eyeshadows and powder foundations can last upwards of two years, but if its dry and flakes on your skin after a few hours, its definitely gone bad. If eyeshadow lands on the apple of the cheeks, consider this your heads up.

  Most makeup-setting sprays have been tested to last about two years. If you find that its not as potent as when you first purchased it, replace it and make sure youre agitating the bottle before using. The mattifying powders often settle on the bottom and after a few weeks of use, all youre left with is the equivalent of a water spray!

  Whether you apply makeup sporadically or everyday, brushes should take a dive into soapy water once a week. That's right, once a week! Don't know where to start? Try massaging cleanser to the base of each brush with the Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Mat ($32). This silicone mat was designed with seven patented texture grooves to properly cleanse all different types of brushes. And with suction cups on the bottom, the mat stays secures in the sink.

Step 2: Lighten up

  Try new textures and technology to streamline your routine.You can now find all different categories of makeup in pencil form for easy toting when you're on the go. The best part? These wont break, melt or crumble inside your makeup bag.

  Freshening up after a long work day is a necessity, but touch-ups can be a drag — literally. Your skin is tight and dry by the end of the day and this can emphasize fine lines. Your on-the-go solution is Urban Decay's Ultimate Ozone Multipurpose Primer Pencil ($16). Use it on lips to prevent feathering and around the eyes for perfect concealer after 5 pm.

  From your makeup to your teeth, the type of brush you use matters.Hygiene is most crucial around the delicate eye area and this silicone liner brush from Real Techniques is non-porous, cleans easily between uses and gives you precise results for gel and liquid liner.

  Finally, theres a good chance youre depositing more germs into your mouth than youre actually removing when you brush . This ergonomic silicone toothbrush is ultra-hygienic with each head lasting a full year — and one charge is good for 365 uses!

  Now you can say that you've finished your spring-cleaning checklist.

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